Nonbinary and genderfluid people of the 21st century can gain some comfort from the notion that sex and gender divisions weren’t always so rigid. But that understanding is nevertheless tinged with the knowledge that the sexes, fluid though they were, were still ranked. Someone was still coming out a winner, and yet again it was whoever was most masculine.Though there was one major exception: Jesus Christ. “There’s a whole world of female Jesus,” says Laqueur. “Christ has an open body. Christ bleeds. There are paintings of Jesus bleeding from his breast and saints are drinking it. This motif goes throughout the medieval era.” The most common version of this scene is Catherine of Siena drinking blood from the wound in Christ’s chest. In one of her letters she urged, “I, Catherine, servant of the servants of Jesus, write to you in His Precious Blood, wishing only that you feed yourself with God’s love and nourish yourself with it as at a mother’s breast. Nobody in fact can live without this milk!” Finally we have an answer to the trendy “WWJD” bracelets of the 90s: Breastfeed.

Quelle: The Gender Binary Is a Dumb, but Relatively New Concept – Broadly